I spent a lot of time this summer traveling and racing out west and down south, which was awesome. Thoroughly awesome actually. But I seem to have forgotten a little bit about how to ride roots. Colorado was all about super high-speed riding over loose terrain. Asheville, okay some rooty riding there, but's it's all wicked fast. And PA, man, I have never sworn at inanimate objects (ROCKS) like I have in the Wilderness 101. That was a purely hateful relationship, though I'm trying not to linger on that one too much. So anyway, I'm back in VT and training again after some nasty asthma episodes. And roots, man, they're everywhere. You have to jump and weave and stuff. I guess I grew up on this stuff, but it takes some getting used too. It's Rad though. That's for sure. With the VT 50 coming up soon I gotta get myself in shape for them. Technical riding a few days a week, some strength work, and recovery rides on the road. Hopefully that will get me enough fitness to be a contender in a month. Anyone want to go ride Hinesburg Town Forest sometime soon?
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